All About Me

Hi, I'm Kristin. I'm a Computer Science graduate from The University of Cincinnati currently working at Xbox as a Software Engineer. I'm currently working towards my Master's Degree at The University of Cicninnati with a concentration in Game Development. Alongside my Master's, I am also working towards a certificate in Game Art. When I'm not looking at pictures of cats on the internet, I'm either learning new development skills, experimenting with code or playing video games. From a very young age, I knew I wanted to be a content creator. When I realised I wasn't very skilled at painting, writing, drawing or playing instruments, I looked to programming. Programming has given me the opportunity to create custom webpages, web applications, algorithmic programs, iOS applications and show off to my nontechnical family members. Through progamming, I aspire to work for a company where I'm valued, where I can learn something daily and make a impact on society.